25th Vintage Celebration

Join us on Saturday 26th April 2025 for the Indigo 25th Vintage Celebration

Celebrate the 25th Vintage of Indigo Vineyard with food, music, revelry and our premium Beechworth wines.

A private celebration over lunch for friends and family of Indigo, remembering where we have come from and looking to the future.

We will open the Barn, put lamb on the spit and taste wines past present and yet to be released. 

It is casual, boots not high heels.

From 12:30pm, Saturday the 26th of April 2025.

Lunch will be served at 1:30pm.

 At Indigo Vineyard, 1221 Beechworth-Wangaratta Rd, Everton Upper, Vic.

RSVPs are essential. 

The cost for the lunch is $75 per head including wines and drinks

Book Hereor call 035727 0233 or email emails@indigovineyard.com.auby Monday 14 April 2025.

We will have a bus from Beechworth to and from the vineyard. 

Bus Tickets $25 per head (plus booking fee)